PM Orbán: Next to a record voter turnout, we reaped a record victory

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s ruling alliance of FIDESZ-KDNP dominated the European Parliamentary elections in Hungary today, winning 52.14 percent of the votes and securing 13 seats in the European Parliament.

The Prime Minister took to the podium outside of Budapest’s iconic Bálna building to thank the nation for turning out in record numbers to vote in this year’s crucial, European Parliamentary election.

“We won the 2019 EP elections and we would like to thank those who have voted for us,” the prime minister said. “This is the highest turnout of all time, next to a record voter turnout, we reaped a record victory.”

“Hungarians have given us the mandate for three things. First of all, that we stop immigration, that we protect the Europe of the nations, and we protect Christian culture in Europe. We need leaders who are proud of 2,000 years of Christian culture,” the prime minister said.

“With the high turnout, Hungary proved that it’s a European nation, a European country. Our place is in Europe. Europe is our home, too, and this is why we want to change it,” the PM said.

Referring to the success of ethnic Hungarian parties in the Carpathian Basin, PM Orbán said that “the Hungarian communities outside Hungary will also be there with us in Brussels, representing the interests of all of the Hungarian nation.”

“For us, Hungary comes first in Brussels, too, and we will cooperate with anyone who wants to stop immigration,” he concluded.

The party earned more than half of the votes cast across the nation, and is set to send 13 representatives to the European Parliament, an increase of one seat over the 2014 EP elections.