If you have been following the recent course of affairs between Budapest and Brussels, you know that the Hungarian Government launched a public information campaign last week, challenging the pro-migration agenda of the EU elite that would bring more immigrants to Europe.
The Brussels eurocrats issued a response on Monday, only to make our point for us with their facts. Then, in a subsequent post, I revealed how some eurocrats see national borders as an unfortunate obstacle to immigration.
In a way, Brussels’ seven-point plan follows a logical, if undesirable, pattern: an obligatory migrant quota would provide a clear, policy-level direction for the bloc, while tapping into competences exclusive to Member States. Diminishing border protection rights from nation states and empowering the EU’s border and coast guard agency to supervise border protection creates circumstances for more immigrants to enter. But once they’re here, on EU territory, they’ll need legal documents to stay. This is where migrant visas come into play.
The idea of a so-called “humanitarian visa” surfaced last year, October 10, during a session of the European Parliament’s LIBE Committee. Back then, Juan Fernando López Aguilar, the Socialist MEP behind the initiative, said that “the document is the result of a broad compromise, with which we are sending a message to people who are in the most vulnerable situation.”
MEP López Aguilar’s push for the introduction of migrant visas was rejected by the EP plenary in mid-November, but by some bureaucratic Brussels sorcery, it was already back in front of the EP a month later, where it was accepted by a majority of 429 votes to 194. Its supporters call it a “humanitarian visa”, but, in effect, it facilitates immigration – in line with Brussels’ pro-migration agenda. The people of Europe have a right to know that.