Chief Security Advisor: UN migration pact represents the greatest danger to Europe to date

The security advisor said that making the UN Global Compact for Migration mandatory represents the greatest danger to Europe to date

Hungary’s Chief Security Advisor has highlighted how the UN Global Compact for Migration was ordered by the higher circles of the Brussels bureaucracy.

György Bakondi said the Hungarian government had voted no to the Compact, and will be doing everything possible at various EU forums to assure that theories that “lack reality” are not included in European law.

“According to Hungary, the borders must be protected, assistance must be taken to where the problem is, and everything possible must be done to protect Christian culture,” he stressed.

The security advisor said that the statement by German Chancellor Angela Merkel, according to which help must be afforded to migrants as close as possible to their homes, comes too late, because Muslims are already present in Western European receiving countries, including Germany, in such numbers that the sustainability of their existing way of lie, cultural life and security situation is doubtful.

Bakondi also spoke about the fact that immigrants are arriving continuously via every European migration route, and there have been two thousand attempts to illegally cross the Hungarian-Serbian border so far this year. “However, thanks to the measures introduced by the Italian government, the number of people arriving by sea has fallen significantly”, he added.

The security advisor concluded that making the UN Global Compact for Migration mandatory represents the greatest danger to Europe to date.