Coronavirus Update: Confirmed number of cases rises to 744 as four more elderly patients die

The confirmed number of people infected with coronavirus in Hungary has increased to 744, and another four elderly patients with the disease have passed away. The number of people recovered has increased to 67.

We are in the stage of cluster infections, and the virus is spreading through the country via personal contact. In Hungary, the virus can be present anywhere and in anyone.

The actual number of carriers of the virus, who are capable of infecting others, is much higher than the number of confirmed cases. Thus, to slow down the spread of the disease, it is very important that the elderly, students, those returning from abroad, and anyone else able to do so stay at home. Everyone must also follow the government’s recommendations and adhere to the movement restrictions. We especially ask the people of Budapest to abide by the restrictions because the capital has the highest number of infected.

From the data collected on the deceased so far, we can see that the coronavirus is the most dangerous for the elderly, so we urge the elderly to stay at home and ask their relatives or the municipality for help with shopping.

Only together can we slow down the epidemic and flatten the curve.

A call center set up for advice on the coronavirus can be reached on +36-80-277-455 and +36-80-277-456 or by email koronavirus@bm.gov.hu