Coronavirus Update: Expert says there are still unanswered questions surrounding the virus

János Szlávik, Chief Infectologist at Szent László Hospital, reported today that there is still a lot we do not know about the coronavirus.


János Szlávik, Chief Infectologist at Szent László Hospital, reported today that there is still a lot we do not know about the coronavirus. For example, “we still don’t know for sure where it comes from or how it passes to humans,” he said. “We don't even know exactly how the virus spreads from person to person. However, it is certain that it occurs in more and more body humors.”

The Chief Infectologist also pointed out that the risk of infection is at its greatest for 5-6 days after the onset of symptoms. “The biggest problem now is that there’s no vaccine, and we don’t know when there will be […], it’s possible that it will only be available next spring,” he said. “However, fortunately, more and more people are leaving the hospital in Hungary after recovering,” he concluded.

A call center set up for advice on the coronavirus can be reached on +36-80-277-455 and +36-80-277-456 or by email koronavirus@bm.gov.hu