Coronavirus Update: Hévíz thermal bath re-opens

According to local government officials, most hotels in the spa town will re-open between mid-May and the second week of June, strictly keeping to coronavirus-related rules and regulations.


Hévíz thermal bath re-opened at the weekend, attracting hundreds of guests.

According to local government officials, most hotels in the spa town will re-open between mid-May and the second week of June, strictly keeping to coronavirus-related rules and regulations.

Ninety percent of tourists with plans to visit Hévíz stand ready to travel right away, Orsolya H. Horváth said, citing an online survey conducted with a sample of 4,500 people. “This justifies that health tourism could become a shock-resistant sector,” she said.

Mayor Gábor Papp said the city was getting an increasing number of inquiries for visiting Hévíz from abroad, mostly from Czech, Slovak, Slovenian and German guests, but also from Russia. Hévíz has Europe’s largest thermal lake and has been attracting several Russian guests.

A call center set up for advice on the coronavirus can be reached on +36-80-277-455 and +36-80-277-456 or by email koronavirus@bm.gov.hu