Coronavirus Update: Second phase of virus defense will begin on Monday

Róbert Kiss, Lieutenant Colonel of the Hungarian police force, announced today that the second phase of the coronavirus defense will start on Monday.

During today’s Operational Group press conference, Róbert Kiss, Lieutenant Colonel of the Hungarian police force, announced that the second phase of the coronavirus defense will start on Monday, and the related government decrees have already been published.

“In the countryside, shops and outdoor baths can open, and the terraces of restaurants and cafes can also open, but only employees can stay in the buildings,” he said.

“Between May 1-3, local governments may set stricter rules by decree; police have initiated preparations for the new measures and will be monitoring compliance with the new rules,” Kiss added.

A call center set up for advice on the coronavirus can be reached on +36-80-277-455 and +36-80-277-456 or by email koronavirus@bm.gov.hu