Government: Brussels only sees pro-migration countries as adhering to rule of law

The Hungarian government has said in a statement that Brussels wants to use funding due to member states to support immigration.


The Hungarian government has said in a statement that Brussels wants to use funding due to member states to support immigration.

“For years, Brussels has been working to turn Europe into a continent of immigrants,” the statement said. Now “Brussels bureaucrats” want to make funding contingent on a willingness on the part of member states to allow migrants into the country, adding Brussels only regarded countries that supported immigration as adhering to the rule of law. “We Hungarians have said ‘no’ to that many times, however,” the statement said. “We want nothing to do with the pro-migration policies of Brussels…”

The government said that when some states teetered on the edge of an economic crisis, Europe needed fast economic aid rather than migrants. The statement said Hungary was willing to vote for “an economic plan or financial package” to help them but “we find it unacceptable that such issues should be tied to migration under the pretext of the rule of law”. “Irresponsible” policies of pro-migration forces undermine European unity and jeopardise the response to the crisis, the statement added.