Hungary unveils its first 5G data connection

The standardization of 5G is currently in its first phase, which is expected to end in 2018 and will be delivered to the nation by 2020

Hungary's first 5G data connection has been unveiled by Ericsson and Magyar Telekom.

The 5G service, presented in Ericsson Magyarország’s Budapest research hub, reaches a downlink speed of 22 Gbps, and provides users with a 20 times faster downlink speed than current mobile technologies.

Ericsson Magyarország managing director Gábor Éry said the standardization of 5G is currently in its first phase, which is expected to end in 2018 and will be delivered to the nation by 2020.

Éry cited industrial applications as the projected initial area of utilization, such as the Internet of Things and services linked to robotics in various fields, including the car industry, healthcare, public services and agriculture.

Ericsson will develop the network primarily for mobile operators, while Magyar Telekom will oversee the project across landline and mobile.

The new network is expected to create 582 billion USD worth of market opportunities by 2026, enabling a 35 percent increase in revenue.

Hungary currently has a 5G coalition which is helping to push the technology forward, this includes Magyar Telekom, Ericsson, government bodies, universities, manufacturers and distributors of network equipment.