Hungary's chief security advisor says the negative effects of the migration process have become commonplace in Europe

The Hungarian government has been consistently enforcing its measures and laws aimed at assuring security in the interests of protecting Hungarian and European citizens

Hungary's chief security advisor has said that the negative effects of the migration process that has been ongoing since 2015 have become commonplace in Europe.

György Bakondi said that over the past two years two million people had arrived in Germany alone and 9,000 acts of terrorism had been prevented in Europe, while 330 had lost their lives and some 1,300 had been injured in a total of 27 terrorist attacks.

“The negative effects of migration also affect Hungary," the chief security advisor said. He revealed how Hungarian heavy goods vehicle drivers had been threatened with a knife on two occasions in recent weeks and a group of young Hungarians were attacked in a motorway layby near Mohács.

“Just one of these acts should be enough for the European Commission to review its existing migration policy," Bakondi said. He added that the Hungarian government has been consistently enforcing its measures and laws aimed at assuring security in the interests of protecting Hungarian and European citizens.

He said the Cabinet is currently attempting to prevent the incalculable security risks that the implementation of the Soros Plan would mean for Europe via the National Consultation, by asking for the public’s opinion.