Temperature of 40 degrees recorded in Hungary

A temperature of 38.7 degrees was recorded in Budapest yesterday, one of the highest seen since 1948

Hungary recorded a temperature of 40.1 degrees in Békéssámson near the eastern border yesterday, which is 0.1 degrees higher than Jászbereny’s 1927 record.

Meanwhile, a temperature of 38.7 degrees was recorded in Budapest, one of the highest since 1948.

MTI states that Hungary witnessed new heat records in Budapest and in the southeast on Thursday.

In the capital a record high daily temperature of 38.7 degrees Celsius was measured in the north. The last heat record was measured in 1948 on Budapest’s outskirts at 37.8 degrees.

According to reports, the extreme heat will continue to grip Hungary over the next couple of days with the mercury expected to push past 40 degrees Celsius. Temperatures are expected to drop slightly early next week, the weather service announced.

A temperature of 40.7 was recorded in Budapest ten years ago to receive the highest temperature ever recorded in Hungary.