Hungary’s EU Presidency plan: Make Europe Great Again

Today, we presented the comprehensive agenda and logistical details for Hungary's upcoming presidency of the Council of the European Union, set to begin on July 1.

At a press conference this afternoon, Minister for European Union Affairs János Bóka highlighted the critical juncture at which Hungary will assume the rotating presidency, noting the myriad of challenges facing Europe.

"We are taking over in a very difficult environment: a war in our neighborhood, the threat of falling behind our global competitors, security concerns, illegal migration, natural disasters, climate change, and demographic challenges," he listed.

The presidency will span from July 1 to December 31, 2024, and will involve working with the newly established European Parliament and European Commission to ensure a seamless institutional transition.

Minister Bóka emphasized Hungary's dual role as an experienced EU member and a proactive leader. "At the beginning of this new institutional cycle, we have the opportunity to launch and initiate debates and show the way on many important issues. During our presidency, we will be honest brokers, loyally cooperating with every member state and institution," he assured.

Our presidency has outlined seven key priorities, focusing on enhancing EU competitiveness, strengthening defense cooperation, managing migration, and supporting EU enlargement.

"We wish to adopt a new EU competitiveness deal and support the strengthening of the European defense industry," Bóka stated. The agenda also includes efforts to improve external border protection and advance merit-based enlargement policies.

We plan to organize 177 presidency events, including 16 informal council meetings and one informal European Council meeting. "We have consulted extensively with member states, candidate countries, and EU institutions, holding more than 250 discussions. This level of engagement is unprecedented in the history of presidencies," Bóka noted.

Most high-level meetings will be held in the Várkert Bazár, with additional events at the Bálna event venue and other significant locations in Budapest.

Hungary will use the state-owned Terminal 1 at the airport for welcoming high-level guests, ensuring smooth logistics while minimizing disruption in the city. We aim to create a hospitable environment for our guests, showcasing Budapest's cultural renovations and significant buildings.

Additionally, the logo and motto of the Hungarian presidency have been unveiled: "Make Europe Great Again." The Rubik's Cube, an iconic Hungarian invention, serves as our symbol, with its 27 smaller cubes representing the EU member states; this represents the complexity of European affairs and the ingenuity required to solve them. Along these lines, our presidency aims to embody the spirit of innovation and problem-solving.

Hungary's EU Presidency seeks to address Europe's real problems with real solutions, fostering open and honest dialogue to achieve unity in diversity.

Our success will be Europe's success!