Hungary’s firm stance on migration: A model for European security

The tragic death of Mateusz Sitek, a Polish soldier stabbed while repairing a border fence with Belarus, underscores the severe challenges faced by European countries in controlling their borders against organized, armed gangs. This incident serves as a stark reminder of the potential consequences of inadequate border security, a reality Hungary is determined to prevent within its borders.

Hungary has been at the forefront of addressing the migration crisis since 2015. The government, led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, implemented strict border controls, including the construction of a secure fence along the southern frontier. This response, though controversial, has been crucial in maintaining national security and sovereignty. Hungary's approach aims to prevent violent incidents like the one in Poland from occurring on its soil.

The current crisis has its roots in the 2015 migrant influx when Hungary became a key transit point for refugees heading to Western Europe. George Soros and his Open Society Foundations (OSF) have been significant figures in the migration wave. Soros' call for the EU to accept a million asylum-seekers annually and provide financial support for them is seen as encouraging mass migration. This is not a mere policy debate here; Soros' influence is clearly detrimental to European stability.

Reflecting on this, in a recent interview with The Critic I emphasized the Hungarian government's firm stance against unchecked migration. "We fight against the elite's detachment from the people's needs, particularly on migration. Once it starts, it's unstoppable. How do you send back second and third generations? There is no way." This sentiment reaffirms Hungary's commitment to maintaining its cultural identity and national sovereignty, ensuring that the issues faced by other European countries do not take root in Hungary.

György Bakondi, the prime minister’s chief security adviser, highlighted the government's ongoing efforts to secure the nation's borders. "We want to guarantee our internal security by keeping illegal migrants, most of whom are driven by organized crime, as far away from Hungary as possible," Chief Advisor Bakondi stated. He also emphasized the aggressive nature of many young male migrants and the importance of maintaining strict border controls. The Hungarian government has already invested approximately €1.6 billion in defending its southern border, reflecting its commitment to protecting both national and European security despite the lack of support from the European Union and its direct financial meddling.

Central Europe, including Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic, remains a bastion of national and social cohesion. These countries have resisted the liberal policies that have led to increased crime and anti-Semitism in Western Europe. Hungary stands out as a safe haven for Jews, boasting a thriving Jewish community. Budapest, unlike many Western European cities, has not experienced significant anti-Semitic violence, and Jewish people freely express their identity and support for Israel.

The ongoing migration crisis and the challenges at Europe's borders highlight the need for a unified and effective response. Hungary aims to prevent the violence and instability seen in other parts of Europe. Its proactive measures and clear stance on migration offer a model to other countries for addressing these complex issues. As Hungary takes the lead in this debate, the rest of Europe must pay attention to its warnings and solutions.