PM Orbán: A new era begins

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared the start of a new era in European politics in Vienna, announcing a political alliance with Austria's Herbert Kickl and Czechia's Andrej Babis.

In a landmark announcement in Vienna this morning, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán declared the start of a new era in European politics. Flanked by Herbert Kickl, leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, and Andrej Babis, former Czech Prime Minister and head of the ANO party, PM Orbán outlined a bold vision for a revamped European political alliance. This new political formation aims to reshape the landscape of European governance and address the pressing issues faced by the continent.

A decisive moment for Europe

Prime Minister Orbán emphasized that the recent European Parliament elections marked the end of the political era that began with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. He asserted that the creation of a new European political faction is a crucial step toward transforming European politics. "Today, we are forming a political alliance that will swiftly become the strongest faction on the European right," Orbán stated confidently. He anticipates that this development will happen within days, setting the stage for significant change.

PM Orbán criticized the Brussels elite for resisting the mandate for change given by the voters. "The Brussels elite do not want change; they want to maintain the status quo," he said. This resistance, he argued, is unacceptable and underscores the need for the newly established faction to drive change against the will of the Brussels establishment.

The patriots' manifesto

Central to the new political collaboration is the "Patriots' Manifesto for the Future of Europe," jointly adopted by Orbán, Kickl, and Babis. The manifesto argues that Europe is at a historical turning point. It criticizes the European Union for turning against the interests of its nations and regions, driven by globalist forces and unaccountable bureaucrats. "The recent European Parliament elections were of generational and existential significance," the manifesto states, highlighting the divide between those advocating for a centralized European "superstate" and patriots fighting to preserve and strengthen European nations.

The manifesto envisions a Europe of strong, proud, and independent nations working together through institutions rooted in national sovereignty. It calls for a Europe committed to peace, dialogue, and defense against all threats, while celebrating European identity and traditions. The document also emphasizes the protection of fundamental freedoms and the rejection of any further erosion of national sovereignty by European institutions.

Addressing Europe's crises

Prime Minister Orbán outlined the myriad crises facing Europe, including economic decline, persistent terror threats, and uncontrolled migration. He attributed these issues partly to the Brussels elite's poor policy decisions, which have rendered the European economy uncompetitive and mishandled the green transition. "What we have in Brussels is not a green policy but a toxic green policy that harms rather than heals us," Orbán asserted, noting the increased use of coal and higher energy prices compared to five years ago.

The Prime Minister stressed the need for peace, order, and development, which he believes the current Brussels elite has failed to deliver. He pointed out that several European governments have resigned due to the European Parliament elections, proving that democracy functions at the national level. However, he argued that the Brussels elite resist change because the EU's structure is undemocratic.

Commitment to national sovereignty

PM Orbán reaffirmed Hungary's commitment to national sovereignty, rejecting migration and promoting traditional family values. He praised Andrej Babis for his successful tenure as Czech Prime Minister, highlighting his financial reforms and effective governance.

The prime minister concluded by emphasizing that the new political faction's responsibility is to ensure the will of the voters is respected. "The strongest Austrian, Czech, and Hungarian parties are taking responsibility to launch this new platform and faction," he declared. PM Orbán's vision for Europe's future is one where sovereignty and patriotism prevail over federalism and top-down dictates, promising a continent that serves its nations and peoples first and foremost.