PM Orbán and NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg reaffirm Hungary’s commitment to NATO and discuss the war in Ukraine

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg met to discuss Hungary's role within NATO and the ongoing war in Ukraine. The meeting underscored Hungary’s continued commitment to NATO while highlighting the country's unique stance on the Ukraine conflict.

Prime Minister Orbán began by welcoming Secretary General Stoltenberg and expressing gratitude for his role in strengthening NATO-Hungary relations. He highlighted Hungary’s consistent fulfillment of its NATO commitments, including exceeding the 2 percent of GDP defense spending requirement and the 20 percent capability development target (the amount of the 2 percent to be spent on equipment acquisition and R&D).

PM Orbán also emphasized Hungary’s active participation in NATO operations, such as air policing in Slovakia, Slovenia, and the Baltic states, and serving as a liaison embassy to key countries in Central Asia and Africa.

The prime minister noted that 1,300 Hungarian soldiers are currently involved in NATO missions and reaffirmed Hungary’s loyalty and dedication to NATO, stating that Hungary will continue to meet its obligations and contribute to NATO’s strength.

However, he also acknowledged Hungary’s differing perspective on the Ukraine conflict compared to other NATO members, noting that Hungary seeks “the shortest path to peace,” which may often contrast with the views of other allies.

Taking the stage, Secretary General Stoltenberg praised Hungary for its significant contributions to NATO over the past 25 years, including leading multinational battle groups and hosting key military command centers. He also praised Hungary’s support for stability in the Western Balkans and its assistance to Ukrainian refugees and wounded soldiers since the beginning of Russia’s aggression.

The leaders discussed the upcoming NATO summit in Washington, where crucial decisions on deterrence and defense will be made.

On this, the general secretary outlined NATO’s substantial transformation since 2014, including deploying combat-ready units on the alliance’s eastern flank to prevent conflict. He emphasized that NATO’s mission is to prevent war through credible deterrence and robust defense.

Secretary General Stoltenberg also accepted Hungary’s decision to be exempt from participating in NATO’s support efforts for Ukraine, including military assistance and financial commitments. He expressed satisfaction that Hungary will not obstruct other allies’ initiatives to support Ukraine, adding that this agreement ensures that while Hungary maintains its stance, NATO can continue to provide coordinated and predictable support to Ukraine.

Regarding the matter, PM Orbán reiterated Hungary’s commitment to peace and its clear stance on the Ukraine conflict and emphasized that Hungary will not participate in military actions outside NATO territory or contribute financially to such efforts. This position was reaffirmed by Stoltenberg, ensuring Hungary retains its autonomy in deciding its involvement in NATO operations.