PM Orbán: Brussels is preparing Europe for war

In a candid interview with Kossuth Rádio, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán discussed the current geopolitical landscape, emphasizing the importance of self-defense capabilities and expressing concerns over the direction of European policies.

Prime Minister Orbán began his Friday morning interview by stressing the necessity of military strength for maintaining peace. "The existence of armies is necessary; it does not lead to war. Paradoxically, the absence of a military leads to war," he stated. He explained that strength and military capabilities are crucial to avoid conflict, as wars often arise from perceived weakness.

"If you want peace, prepare for war," he added, highlighting that Hungary has been enhancing its military and making significant progress in this area.

Addressing the potential threat of Russian expansion, PM Orbán remarked, "The critical question is whether Russia will stop after defeating Ukraine." He said many believe Russia would not continue its aggression, arguing that Russia has struggled against Ukraine and would not find it advantageous to confront NATO, which is significantly stronger.

"NATO was established to unite behind any attacked member state," he emphasized, noting the alliance's purpose of collective defense.

The prime minister expressed his alarm over the preparations for direct military conflict in Brussels and Washington. "What is happening now in Brussels and Washington is a sort of preparatory atmosphere for direct military conflict," he observed. He criticized the lack of focus on preventing further destruction and questioned why the conflict isn't being isolated as a war between two Slavic nations.

"Everyone else should have an interest in isolating this conflict, but instead, the West considers it their own war," the prime minister said.

PM Orbán also discussed the ongoing support for Ukraine, pointing out the progression from sending helmets to now supplying weapons and contemplating sending soldiers. "Theoretically, the strategy is for Ukrainians to fight on the front while we provide weapons, money, and technical equipment," he noted. However, the lack of clarity and consensus on the financial cost required to expel Russian forces from occupied territories is often met with silence at negotiating tables.

The upcoming elections in Europe and the United States will be pivotal, according to PM Orbán. "These elections will decide the question of war and peace in Europe," he declared, emphasizing Hungary's adherence to NATO's founding principle as a defense alliance. He pointed out that significant work is underway to ensure Hungary remains within NATO's framework without participating in external conflicts.

"We have indicated that we do not want to contribute with either military or financial aid," he affirmed.

Prime Minister Orbán addressed the complex motivations behind the war, including economic interests. "There is extra profit in war; those with insider information can speculate and profit," he stated, mentioning George Soros as an example. He accused pro-war financiers of supporting the Hungarian left wing, despite the populace's opposition to the war.

"War profiteers are economically interested in this conflict," he said.

Linking Europe's demographic issues and migration challenges to the war, PM Orbán argued, "Europe is unable to defend itself against migration because it lacks people, many of whom have died in wars over the past centuries." He described the World Wars as European civil wars that resulted in significant loss of life among white, Christian populations.

The prime minister additionally criticized Brussels for prioritizing ideological goals over practical realities. "In Brussels, reality is secondary to ideals," he remarked, noting that politicians who prioritize the well-being of people are labeled as populists. He emphasized the importance of public opinion, particularly on matters of war and peace. "If there is a real question that people can decide, it is the question of war and peace," he said, predicting a growing number of Europeans advocating for peace in the coming period.

PM Orbán also highlighted Hungary's financial burdens due to its stance on migration. "Since Hungary does not want to accept migrants, we have to pay HUF 6 million a day to Brussels," he revealed, criticizing European leaders' decisions and calling for their removal.

"While we protect Europe, Brussels shoots Hungary in the back. This whole situation is absurd," he concluded.