PM Orbán discusses security, politics, and future plans in exclusive interview

In an exclusive interview with Blikk, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán shared his insights on a range of topics from personal security to political strategies and future plans for Hungary.

When asked if he wears a bulletproof vest during public appearances, PM Orbán stated, "I have never worn a bulletproof vest, and I am not going to wear one now." He emphasized that despite the recent assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico by a pro-war assailant, he continues to believe in meeting people face-to-face without heightened security measures. "There is always a risk, but complete safety is unattainable," he noted, underscoring the importance of political leaders maintaining direct contact with citizens.

Regarding international espionage and cyber threats, the prime minister explained, "The more advanced a country's communication system is, the more espionage shifts to cyberspace." He acknowledged the constant attempts by various international actors to access Hungarian data and highlighted the significance of daily intelligence briefings. "Every morning, I start my day by reading the reports, including those from our intelligence services," he said.

Discussing Hungary's peace-focused campaign, PM Orbán expressed concerns about the dominant pro-war stance in Europe. "There are about twenty-some EU member states firmly supporting the war, while Hungary is steadfastly for peace," he said.

Reflecting on recent political developments, PM Orbán described the abrupt resignation of President Katalin Novák and former Justice Minister Judit Varga as "nightmarish." He praised Novák for her decision to step down amid controversy and expressed regret over Varga's departure. "Varga's resignation felt unjust; she was caught in an unfortunate situation," he said.

PM Orbán is optimistic about Hungary's future, as he outlined plans for continued growth and development. "I see two to three exceptional years ahead for Hungary," he said, confident in the nation's resilience post-COVID and amid the ongoing war. He believes Hungary is on the right track, stating, "We are on a good path, and our plans will succeed."

Expanding on the European political landscape, the prime minister highlighted the significant divide between pro-war and peace-oriented factions. "There is a clear struggle between the pro-war and peace factions in both Europe and America. Unfortunately, in Europe, the pro-war stance dominates," he explained. Hungary remains a strong advocate for peace, alongside what was a peace-oriented Slovakia, disrupted by the recent assassination attempt.

PM Orbán stressed the importance of upcoming European elections in influencing national leaders' stances on the war. "European elections are not just about distributing parliamentary seats; they reflect national sentiments. If peace-oriented parties gain more support, it will impact national leaders," he said. He anticipates a shift towards peace in both the European Parliament and the European Council, driven by the electorate's growing opposition to the war.

He also touched on the complexities of the Ukraine-Russia conflict, emphasizing that it involves more than just the two nations. "The West is heavily involved, making it a proxy war. We need parallel negotiations: one between Ukraine and Russia, and another between Russia and the U.S.," he noted, adding that these negotiations could redefine European security for decades to come.

Addressing the practicality of peace talks, PM Orbán acknowledged the challenges. It's unlikely that Putin and Zelensky will sit down together, but behind-the-scenes negotiations between Russia and the U.S. are crucial. The outcome of these talks will depend significantly on the U.S. presidential election, which could see different approaches under Biden or Trump.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán reiterated his commitment to Hungary's sovereignty and the pursuit of peace. He remains hopeful that the combined influence of European and American elections will steer global politics towards a more peaceful future.

"Our goal is to achieve a ceasefire and initiate peace talks," he affirmed, envisioning a future where Hungary continues to thrive amidst a more stable geopolitical environment.
You can watch the full interview with Prime Minister Orbán here