PM Orbán: Hungary can only benefit from peace, we do not want war

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán spoke to a crowd celebrating on the stairs of the National Museum, marking the anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848. Here’s a summary of his key points and quotes.

In his speech given in the garden of Hungary’s National Museum to mark the March 15 anniversary of the country’s 1848 revolution, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán chose peace over war, stating, "Hungary can only benefit from peace, we do not want war." This declaration set the tone as PM Orbán addressed tens of thousands, drawing on the sacrifices of the past to illuminate the choices facing Hungary today. He painted a vivid picture of a nation all too familiar with the toll of conflict — a legacy of vast casualties, destruction, and displacement.

Evoking the spirit of the 1848 revolution, a period when Europe was in chaos, PM Orbán remarked, "In March 1848, Europe was ablaze. Blood flowed on the streets of capitals." He lauded the Hungarian approach to protest and rebellion, characterized by peaceful demonstrations and the fostering of life-affirming change, led by the youth, in stark contrast to the destructive uprisings elsewhere in Europe at that time.

"While Europe's capitals were engulfed in violence, Hungarians wrote poetry, drafted their 12 demands, and walked from Pest to Buda. That was our first peace march,” Prime Minister Orbán said.

Looking to the future, the prime minister argued for a reevaluation of priorities. "The real question is what kind of children we leave to the world. Indeed, everything depends on this," he said, emphasizing the deep-rooted Hungarian identity and commitment to raising our children properly.

PM Orbán contrasted the perceived nihilism of the West with the Hungarian conviction of purpose and continuity. "In today's Western world, millions live as if they come from nothing and go into nothing, thereby justifying wars, destruction of worlds, and redrawing of country borders as if these actions bear no consequence," he said, adding that "we Hungarians live differently, and we want to live differently. We come from somewhere, and we are going somewhere.”

PM Orbán emphasized the importance of preserving Hungary's cultural and historical legacy against external influences, asserting, "Everything we have, we received from our ancestors, along with the mission to sustain and pass it on. This is the essence of freedom."

Addressing the concept of freedom, PM Orbán defined it as something that extends beyond personal satisfaction, stating, "For us, freedom is when there is no master over our head." He underscored the unique Hungarian identity and the pride in belonging to a nation of profound human values and the dignity of being Hungarian.

Highlighting the friction with Brussels, the prime minister declared Hungary's determination to defend its sovereignty and interests against external pressures, notably criticizing migration policies and cultural impositions. "If we want to preserve Hungary's freedom and sovereignty, we have no choice but to occupy Brussels," he proclaimed, calling for a proactive stance to instigate change within the European Union.

Concluding his speech, Orbán positioned the upcoming year as a turning point, suggesting a broader movement towards national sovereignty in both the United States and Europe. He criticized the Hungarian left for its alignment with Brussels, declaring, "They will find that their calculations will not work out, and what awaits them is the fate of traitors."

On this anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1848, Orbán's speech was a call to arms for unity, sovereignty, and the preservation of Hungarian values, rallying his countrymen towards a future built on enduring principles.