PM Orbán: Hungary must not allow anyone to limit its independence and sovereignty

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivered a speech opening the fall session of the Hungarian National Assembly today, addressing various pressing issues that encompassed both domestic and international concerns. His speech covered topics ranging from Hungary's success in organizing the World Athletics Championship, energy security, and economic growth to international relations, the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, and immigration policies.

Opening the fall session of the Hungarian parliament earlier today, PM Orbán began his address by celebrating Hungary's hosting of the Budapest World Athletics Championships, which he described as "the largest sports event in the country's history." He proudly noted, "170,000 visitors came to Budapest, and over a billion people worldwide tuned in to watch."

The prime minister underscored Hungary's commitment to ensuring energy security and independence. He announced agreements with countries such as Turkey, Azerbaijan, Qatar, and Uzbekistan, stating that “the government's objective is to maintain energy security and build an energy system that guarantees independence." These measures aimed to mitigate the consequences of "Brussels' decision to detach from Russia in terms of energy."

PM Orbán recognized the growing significance of the Turkish world, explaining Hungary's engagement with the Turkic Council. He emphasized, "The Turkish world is becoming increasingly unavoidable, and the Hungarian government is aware of this." Hungary's involvement with the Turkic Council stemmed from concerns about energy supplies, particularly in light of the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

On economic and environmental fronts, PM Orbán highlighted Hungary's unique achievement of reducing carbon emissions while simultaneously fostering economic growth, stating that "we've managed to reduce our carbon emissions while our economy has grown." Orbán also discussed the expansion of the Paks nuclear power plant, positioning Hungary as a forward-thinking nation in energy modernization.

Addressing international relations, the prime minister expressed concerns about the treatment of Hungarian minorities in Ukraine, particularly in Transcarpathia (Kárpátalja). He firmly stated that "we won't support Ukraine in the international arena until they restore the previous laws that guarantee the rights of Hungarians there."

Regarding inflation control, PM Orbán detailed government measures, including mandatory price reductions and online price monitoring. He assured that the government "will intervene if fuel prices continue to soar."

Orbán additionally highlighted a legislative change aimed at stabilizing Hungary's central bank. He also said that 66 percent of Hungary's national debt is held by its citizens, thanks to the redirection of household investments toward state bonds.

On the Russia-Ukraine conflict, Orbán called for a diplomatic solution, emphasizing that "there's no military solution." Hungary has offered safety to refugees fleeing the conflict, serving as a haven for those in need.

The prime minister criticized Brussels' demands for open immigration policies and the creation of migrant ghettos, asserting that "EU agreements don't mandate the acceptance of migrants." He argued for border security and fencing over quotas.

PM Orbán also discussed Brussels' expectations regarding Hungary's energy support system, interest rate caps, and the state's presence in the banking sector. He contended that these demands would jeopardize Hungarian families' livelihoods.

Concluding his address, PM Orbán stressed Hungary's expectation for the fair distribution of EU funding and its staunch opposition to constraints on its sovereignty, including independent foreign policy. He emphasized the importance of preserving Hungary's autonomy and referred back to past eras when external powers exerted control over the nation's affairs.