PM Orbán: Hungary must stay out of the war

At today's Peace March, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán emphasized Hungary's mission to remain a haven of peace, firmly rejecting involvement in the Ukraine conflict and urging a decisive pro-peace stance in the upcoming EP elections.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán delivered a rousing speech at the Peace March today, emphasizing Hungary's mission to remain a haven of peace and avoid being drawn into the conflict in Ukraine. Addressing a massive crowd on Margitsziget, he sent greetings and blessings to the Hungarian community in Transcarpathia, living under the shadow of war and deprived of their rights for the past two years. "We are with you and encourage you; the day when your fate takes a turn for the better is not far off," the prime minister declared.

PM Orbán also extended greetings to Slovakia's pro-peace Prime Minister Robert Fico. Reflecting on the last two years, he remarked, "Two years ago, during an election campaign, we achieved a monumental victory. The left portrayed themselves as rising stars but ended up crashing into the ground." He reaffirmed that Hungary is not for sale to Brussels, Washington, or George Soros.

Asserting the significance of the upcoming European Parliament elections, PM Orbán noted, "We have never gathered so many people before an EP election. We need to send our candidates to Brussels, people who do not believe in war and violence but in the power of unity."

The prime minister called for bold action, emphasizing the importance of winning the election decisively. "We need to win in such a way that Brussels' bureaucrats will be so frightened that they open the city gates for us and flee from their offices," he said. He highlighted the unprecedented winning streak of Fidesz-KDNP since 2006, stating, "Our camp is the largest, the most unified. No one has ever rallied so many people for peace."

"Hungary is Europe's largest peacekeeping force," PM Orbán proclaimed, adding that in the coming week, campaigners would knock on hundreds of thousands of doors and speak to millions of Hungarians. "We are on the brink of another tremendous victory," he said, urging everyone to stay focused and not to become complacent.

Emphasizing the need for passion in achieving victory, the prime minister said, "We are the party of early risers, and those who rise early win elections." He stressed that it is crucial to prevent Europe from rushing into war and its own downfall. "Europe is preparing for war. The pro-war train has no brakes, and the driver has gone mad. We will stop this with the EP elections," he declared.

PM Orbán reiterated that the Hungarian government is committed to keeping Hungary out of the war. "We are the only pro-peace government. A vote for Fidesz-KDNP today saves lives," he emphasized. He warned that if the left wins, it's only a matter of time before the war reaches Hungary.

Reflecting on Hungary's history, the prime minister stated, "Before World War I, Europe ruled the world. After World War II, it couldn't even govern itself, occupied by foreign powers in the west and the east. If there's another war, Europe will not even be part of the orchestra that gives Europe it's rhythm, if there is any rhythm left." He recounted the losses Hungary suffered in both world wars and made it clear that Hungary will not participate in another conflict.

"We won't sacrifice ourselves so that war profiteers can fill their pockets," PM Orbán said, condemning George Soros's plan from 30 years ago to defeat Russia using Western technology and Eastern European manpower. "Enough of Brussels kibitzing for Soros. They must go," he stated firmly.

He concluded his speech by calling for a pro-peace coalition across Europe and the transatlantic region, aiming to gain majority support by the end of the year. "We are stronger today than at any time in the past hundred years. We won't die for others; our task is to turn Hungary's truth into Europe's truth," Prime MInister Orbán declared.

The Peace March, which began at 1 p.m., saw participants first gather from all over the country, forming a vast crowd by 11 a.m. It culminated in PM Orbán's powerful speech in the afternoon.