PM Orbán: In a Europe in crisis, continuing cooperation with European right-wing parties stands in opposition to the “pro-war pact”

In spite of the “pro-war pact” formed by the European People’s Party, socialists and liberals, says Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, Hungary continues to build cooperation among European right-wing parties to carry out the will of European voters.

On the commentary pages of this morning’s edition of Magyar Nemzet, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán offers a sharply worded rebuke of a “pro-war pact” formed by certain European parties.

“Europe is in crisis” and “the European Union is in decline,” says Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. “The Christian civilisation that has defined the framework of our lives is disappearing…The continent's global economic clout has declined steadily and sharply over the past three decades.” Writing in the Hungarian daily, the PM says the “European order is evaporating before our eyes - a persistent threat of terrorism, fading public security. Europe's ability to assert its interests in international politics has also declined, [finding itself] closed and blockaded, [with] war in the neighbourhood. All this has put European nations in a difficult position.”

In this dire situation, it is the job of parties on the Right to carry out the will of European voters, the PM writes, voters who perceive “war, migration and stagnation instead of peace, order and development.” He criticizes the European People’s Party (EPP) for aligning with socialists and liberals, describing their alliance as a “pro-war pact”. In opposition to this, Hungary remains committed to building cooperation among European right-wing parties.

The crisis, says the PM, is the fault of the Brussels bureaucracy, which he claims has made numerous flawed decisions. He argues that Europe’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict has been particularly detrimental. “European bureaucrats are continuously sending the people’s money to Ukraine, while sanctions have crippled European businesses, driven up inflation, and plunged millions of citizens into hardship,” Orbán says. He also criticizes the EU’s energy policy, noting that Europe now uses more coal and faces higher energy prices than five years ago.

On the issue of EU enlargement, PM Orbán expresses frustration over the stalled accession process for Western Balkan countries. He underscored the need for new member states to invigorate the EU’s economy. Migration remains a critical concern for the PM, who pointed out that despite Hungary’s successful efforts to curb illegal migration, Brussels continues to push for policies that would force member states to accept migrants. He highlighted the significant population growth expected in Africa and warned that without substantial economic development programs, Europe will face uncontrollable migration waves.

PM Orbán reserves particularly sharp criticism for the EPP’s recent alliance with socialists and liberals, describing it as a betrayal of the European electorate. “The EPP, alongside the leftist parties, has ignored the will of the people and formed a shameful pact to share power,” he wrote, labelling this coalition as “pro-war”.

Despite these challenges, the PM reaffirms Hungary's commitment to fostering cooperation among European right-wing parties. “Our task remains to uphold the will of the European voters,” he writes, acknowledging the initial setback but emphasizing the need for continued efforts to build strong right-wing parliamentary groups and inter-party cooperation. Orbán concluded with a call to action, highlighting upcoming significant events in Paris and Vienna as pivotal moments. He expresses hope for a shift towards patriotic governance across the Western world by the end of the year, stating, “If everything goes according to plan and with the help of the good Lord, patriots will gain a majority throughout the Western world by the end of the year. Go Hungary!”