PM Orbán: Sooner or later the main question in every country will be migration

“Sooner or later the main question in every country will be migration,” said PM Orbán, who noted that for the first time since he began calling attention to the challenges of migration, he has begun to see more EU countries devoting serious attention to the issue.

Speaking on Kossuth Radio’s Vasárnapi Újság program over the weekend, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán went on to say that after Brexit, three large member states, Italy, Germany and France, will remain, and Italy has already started to see some of its first changes. The prime minister added that the first breakthrough began during the Italian elections when more than three quarters of the vote opposed immigration and every party that took a pro-migration stance lost positions in the government.  

Pointing to the tendency in western Europe to limit open debate on this issue, the prime minister called out certain elites who would rather silence discussion of migration and denounce those who do not. With the results of the Italian elections, Brussels is finally realizing, he said, that they no longer have the option to “bury their heads in the sand.” 

Prime Minster Orbán then turned to several issues directly related to migration, issues that will impact all of Europe. The most important of them, he said, is the battle over Hungary’s status as an immigrant country. The prime minister cited pro-migration, Soros-funded organizations as the biggest enemies of a Hungary and a Europe that affirm their Christian heritage and culture.

“Hungary stands in the way of this plan. If they are unable to break Hungary, if they are unable to dismantle the Hungarian border fence, if they are unable to remove a Hungarian government that stands on national foundations, then Hungary will not become an immigrant country,” Prime Minister Orbán said. “Migrants will not come here, and the traditional route along which migrants had been transported into Europe will continue to be unavailable to them.”

The prime minister warned that if Hungary admits migrants, it will be impossible to send them away. Then the composition of the Hungarian identity will be altered. That’s why the country needs a government that protects the future of Hungary’s deep cultural roots.

The prime minister also highlighted the country’s success in building a workfare society, now acclaimed as the “Hungarian model.” Defying critics, economic policies once referred to as “unorthodox” have succeeded in dropping the unemployment rate from 12 percent to a record-low 3.8 percent while achieving double-digit, real wage growth.

With elections less than two weeks away, however, the question is less about what the government has achieved and more about what we will do next. On April 8th, the voters of Hungary will get to decide that next step. 

 “I want to speak more and at greater length about the dangers that threaten us in the future, and how we can protect that which we have already achieved, rather than the results already seen,” Orbán concluded.