PM Orbán: The upcoming election decides war and peace in Europe

Speaking on Kossuth Rádió this morning, PM Viktor Orbán highlighted the crucial nature of the upcoming elections, emphasizing the need for peace and addressing the challenges posed by global political dynamics.

In his Friday morning interview on "Good Morning, Hungary," Prime Minister Viktor Orbán discussed the significant political and economic issues facing Hungary and Europe. He began by reflecting on the recent attack on Robert Fico, describing it as a major loss for Hungary, especially in light of the upcoming elections, which will influence the direction of war and peace in Europe.

"The attack on Robert Fico shocked everyone. It’s a stark reminder of the escalating violence in Europe," PM Orbán stated. He lamented the loss of a peace-promoting ally in Slovakia, underscoring the need for strong voices advocating for peace amid a pro-war political climate.

"We needed a peace-supporting Slovakia. This support is now lost," the prime minister said.

The prime minister criticized the shift in Europe's stance over the years, noting how initial support for Ukraine started with sending helmets and has now escalated to discussions of sending soldiers. "We joined the European Union primarily for peace. We believed, and still believe, that Europe can bring peace, but it requires strong conviction," he said.

PM Orbán stressed the importance of standing firm against forces pushing for war expansion. "Powerful interests are keen on broadening this war," he warned, pointing to recent discussions and visits by figures like Antony Blinken in Kyiv and leaders from the Soros empire. "A progressive, left-wing, pro-war individual was the perpetrator," he remarked, linking the attack on Fico to broader geopolitical maneuvers.

He highlighted Hungary's resistance to sending financial support to Ukraine, although admitting that Hungary has contributed to this through joint EU loans. "We fought to keep Hungarian money from going to Ukraine, but we are still sending funds through joint loans," PM Orbán clarified.

Discussing NATO's plans, the prime minister expressed concern over the implications of organizing a mission in Ukraine. "NATO is not a peace corps. When a defense alliance starts thinking in terms of missions, it usually doesn’t end well," he cautioned, mentioning the potential financial burden of a proposed $100 billion mission.

PM Orbán also addressed the economic impact of the ongoing conflict, noting how it devastates both lives and economies. "War doesn’t just claim lives; it destroys the achievements of generations. Just look at the war prices in our stores," he said.

He shared that NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg would visit Hungary before the elections, stressing the need for unity and firm leadership. "Our predecessors failed to stay out of wars; our goal is to succeed," Orbán declared, referencing historical figures like István Tisza and Miklós Horthy who sought to keep Hungary out of conflicts.

Prime Minister Orbán called for unity among Hungarians, despite the challenges posed by the foreign-supported, pro-war left. "Leaders must not lose their courage. The foreign minister and I are holding the line. Although Fico is out, we are seeking new allies," he stated, emphasizing Hungary’s diplomatic room for maneuvering.

On economic cooperation with China, PM Orbán highlighted the potential benefits of a stronger relationship. "The last Chinese president visited Hungary 20 years ago. Since then, China's economic power has doubled while the EU has lost 20 percent of its economic strength," he noted, stressing the importance of Hungary serving as a meeting point for Western and Eastern technology and citing the Debrecen industrial park as a prime example.

"We must not subordinate Hungary's economic interests to ideological questions. We need to be the junction between Western and Eastern technologies," he said, adding that Hungary must not be naive about the reality of global economic competition. "While some preach caution, others aggressively expand their economic reach," PM Orbán concluded.