PM Orbán: The war must not spread; we must curb it and label all armed conflicts as failures

In an interview with Dániel Bohár on the Patrióta YouTube channel, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán emphasized the importance of maintaining Hungary's stability and the clear stance of the Hungarian people to stay out of the war.

Reflecting on the recent assassination attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico, PM Orbán revealed his initial thoughts. "The first thing that came to my mind was whether he survived because we have a friendly relationship. Then I thought about how I would be left alone in Brussels with my anti-war stance. Finally, I considered the extra security measures that would be imposed on me, which I do not favor," said the prime minister.

Discussing the possibility of a nuclear war, the prime minister stated that European politicians view nuclear weapons as tactical deterrents rather than tools for actual use. "What they don't consider at the beginning of a war could happen at the end of one, with the worst-case scenarios becoming reality," he cautioned.

PM Orbán expressed concern about the normalization of terms like NATO missions in Ukraine, tactical nuclear weapons, and world war. "These are terrifying concepts, and we are getting too used to them," he noted.

"Hungary has been on the losing side of world wars, so our reflexes are different. We are closer to the realities of war, which is horrific. In war, people lose limbs and lives; women become widows, and children become orphans. This is happening now in Ukraine, with losses so severe that they might never recover," PM Orbán said.

He warned that the current events might be seen as the precursors to a third world war in the future. "If we fail to curb the war psychosis developing in Brussels, these years might be remembered as the first episodes of a great world war," he added.

PM Orbán also highlighted the significant economic losses Europe is suffering due to the war. "We are already facing hundreds of billions in economic costs. People pay for the war when they go to the store because prices are not like this in peacetime. Interest rates, energy prices, and transportation costs rise in a war atmosphere, and entrepreneurs become cautious, which everyone pays for," he explained.

Commenting on the Russian military strategy, Prime Minister Orbán mentioned that Russia has successfully transitioned to a war economy. "Europe is drifting into a war without having any estimates of the costs and resources needed to achieve its military objectives. I have never seen anything more irresponsible in my life," he asserted.

PM Orbán drew parallels between past European wars and the current conflict, noting the demographic toll. "In the First and Second World Wars, Europe lost about 57 million people, including 1.5 million young Hungarian men. If they and their descendants were alive, we would not have demographic problems today, nor would we have a migration issue," he stated.

He emphasized that every European war is essentially a civil war, where Europeans are killing each other, leading to economic and social devastation.

"The war must not spread further; it must be curbed, and every armed conflict must be deemed a failure. If a conflict breaks out, it should be immediately isolated, closed off, limited, and resolved through negotiations, not escalated and internationalized," PM Orbán declared. He stressed the importance of maintaining the current situation and relying on a professional army for defense.

The prime minister said he strongly opposes the idea of European conscription proposed by Manfred Weber, a European People's Party politician. "We don't want someone else to decide where our young men are deployed. The idea of a compulsory European army is insane," he said.

He reiterated that Hungary must stay out of the war, unlike in the previous two world wars. "The more stable the Hungarian government and the clearer the stance of the Hungarian people, the better the chances of staying out of the war," he emphasized.

Addressing NATO's potential involvement in Ukraine, PM Orbán acknowledged the challenge of keeping Hungary out of a NATO-led mission while maintaining the security provided by NATO membership. "We must ensure that NATO remains a defensive alliance and does not become directly involved in the conflict," he noted.

According to PM Orbán, the upcoming European elections could play a crucial role in shifting the political landscape towards peace. "If the supporters of peace win in Europe, this struggle can be won. The path to peace involves an immediate ceasefire and lengthy negotiations, with leaders in Europe and America showing common sense," he concluded.

He also touched on the presence of war lobbies and influential figures like George Soros, criticizing their role in perpetuating conflicts. "What the war proponents are doing affects everyone, but they should leave us alone," he asserted.

PM Orbán concluded by emphasizing the importance of the upcoming elections. "It's not about party issues but about war and peace, the future, and the future of our children and the opportunities for Hungarian life," he said.