PM Orbán: With the EP elections, we pulled the emergency brake on the war train

In an interview with Kossuth Rádió's "Good Morning, Hungary!" program, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán discussed the recent European Parliament elections, NATO relations, and the impact of international court decisions on Hungary.

Prime Minister Orbán addressed the European Court of Justice's recent ruling against Hungary, attributing it to George Soros. "George Soros’ court handed down this judgment. The Brussels bubble is full of Soros’ people. Soros has a plan to bring 1 million migrants into Europe annually to create a mixed continent," PM Orbán stated. He emphasized Hungary's stance that the Hungarian people should decide who they want to live with, calling the court's decision "simply insane."

Addressing the issue of withheld EU funds, the prime minister remarked, "The Hungarian people expect politicians to speak clearly and truthfully. In Hungary, political doublespeak is punishable, but in Brussels, it's the norm. That is not our world." He stressed the need to defend Hungarian values in a culturally hostile environment.

PM Orbán described his recent discussions with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg as "very important and favorable," highlighting Hungary's loyal and cooperative stance within NATO.

"Our defense spending exceeds the 2 percent GDP requirement, which (NATO) has acknowledged. However, other member states aim to defeat the Russians, believing that the war will end if the Ukrainians win. We believe this war has no solution on the battlefield. NATO is promoting the war; we are on the side of peace," the PM asserted.

He also reaffirmed Hungary's commitment to staying out of the conflict and not providing military transit or weapons.

Reflecting on the European Parliament elections, PM Orbán said, "Hungary pulled the emergency brake on the war train and got off. The election has shown that the Hungarian people, like their leaders, stand for peace." He added that the recent election results send a clear message to Brussels that Hungary opposes the war and supports peace.

The prime minister also commented on the broader European political landscape, noting that the recent elections led to significant changes in France and Belgium, with the ruling parties losing ground. He suggested that if Donald Trump is re-elected as the U.S. president, there could be a longer-term path to peace.

"The European people do not want this war," he emphasized.

PM Orbán recounted his meeting yesterday with Donald Trump Jr., noting the different perspectives of Americans on the war. "Americans, especially Trump supporters, believe that supporting Ukraine will not lead to victory, and they thus oppose the war. This perspective, although different from ours, leads to the same conclusion: a ceasefire."

Concluding his interview, PM Orbán discussed the potential for a right-wing shift in the European Parliament, suggesting that if Marine Le Pen and Giorgia Meloni could reach an agreement, and if Fidesz joined their coalition, they could form the second-largest, or even the largest, faction in the EP. However, he tempered expectations, noting the challenges in uniting the European Conservatives and Reformists with the Identity and Democracy group.