Prime Minister Orbán: Terror is unacceptable

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán expressed his unwavering commitment to safeguarding the peace and security of Hungary during a radio interview this morning. Addressing a wide range of topics, the prime minister emphasized the importance of protecting the Hungarian people and condemned acts of terrorism as unacceptable.

Speaking on Kossuth Radio this morning, Prime Minister Orbán condemned terrorism in relation to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict by stating that "terror is unacceptable.”

“When one witnesses the impact of this, it is deeply unsettling," he added. He expressed gratitude that no Hungarians were among the victims of the recent terrorist attacks.

The prime minister said that it is important to take action against terror attacks, stating, "If someone experiences a terrorist attack, they have the right to take steps to prevent its recurrence." He also emphasized the need to localize conflicts and the potential danger of Israel engaging in war with an Arab country.

PM Orbán highlighted the role of Hungarian diplomacy in pursuing a de-escalation policy and also recalled the improvements in Arab-Israeli relations during Donald Trump's presidency, emphasizing the positive changes that occurred during those years. Despite the recent terror attacks, he urged the need to preserve the progress made.

Regarding the issue of border security, the prime minister highlighted the importance of Hungary's border fence. "We must give thanks to God that in 2015, we had the insight to build fences and legal barriers, which kept terrorism at bay," PM Orbán said, adding that this strong measure prevented terrorist activities from threatening Hungary.

PM Orbán further pointed out that Hungary is home to one of the largest Jewish communities in Europe and it has an obligation to protect them. He stressed that it is unacceptable for Hungarian citizens to feel threatened, and it is essential to prevent a decline in the country's security.

The discussion also touched on migration policies and the European Union's stance. The prime minister criticized Brussels, stating that "Brussels seems to have lost its clarity on the matter. They want us to admit migrants who are aggressively wielding weapons at Hungary's southern borders." He firmly rejected the idea of distributing migrants known to have used aggression among member states and pointed out the need to maintain a strong stance against migration.

PM Orbán called for a change in Brussels and emphasized that their policies do not help but instead harm the situation. He noted that the majority of European citizens agree with Hungary's approach to migration, emphasizing the importance of democratic decisions in protecting national borders.

In terms of the economy, the prime minister addressed inflation, highlighting the government's commitment to combat it. He acknowledged the challenge of maintaining economic growth while fighting inflation but expressed optimism about achieving single-digit inflation by November. PM Orbán further stressed the importance of staying competitive globally and building connections with markets worldwide.

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán also discussed international cooperation and infrastructure projects. He detailed a project involving the transmission of green energy and electricity from Azerbaijan to Europe through Georgia, Romania, and Hungary. This ambitious initiative, supported by the European Union, aims to deliver electric power across a 1,000-kilometer undersea cable, benefitting all of Europe.

In closing, PM Orbán celebrated the Nobel Prizes awarded to Hungarian scientists Katalin Karikó and Ferenc Krausz. He highlighted their success as a testament to the talent and knowledge within Hungary, reinforcing the idea that the country's reserves of talent can be harnessed to tackle any challenge.