Founded in 1982, Internews operates globally with major funding from USAID, George Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Rockefeller Foundation, and the National Endowment for Democracy (NED). These organizations, particularly USAID and NED—have long been tied to foreign influence operations that manipulate political narratives under the guise of promoting democracy. Investigations reveal that Internews does more than provide financial or technical support, it actively shapes editorial priorities, steering public discourse to serve external agendas.
Through grants, training programs, and technological support, Internews fosters media dependency, ensuring its ideological perspectives dominate the conversation. Reports indicate that recipient outlets are not only funded but also supplied with pre-written articles they are expected to publish, reinforcing a controlled narrative. Journalists who comply may receive significant financial incentives—sometimes thousands of dollars per article.
Since 2010, Internews has played a growing role in reshaping Hungary’s media landscape, particularly through USAID-backed initiatives. One of its key beneficiaries is, which has received funding and training under these programs. The Sovereignty Protection Office’s findings suggest this support is far from neutral, as it comes with clear expectations that editorial lines must align with Internews’ political and ideological goals.
Beyond direct funding, Internews influences market conditions by directing corporate ad spending toward selected outlets. This strengthens approved media while marginalizing independent voices that do not conform. By controlling which outlets receive financial backing, Internews ensures its preferred narratives dominate public discourse while silencing dissenting perspectives.
Internews' activities in Hungary are part of a broader global strategy. It has been linked to similar influence operations in multiple countries, often aligning with U.S. foreign policy interests. It claims to promote press freedom, yet its selective funding of ideologically aligned outlets while sidelining opposing voices exposes a deeper agenda. Instead of fostering media pluralism, it builds an ecosystem where only narratives favorable to foreign interests thrive.
Hungary’s experience with Internews is not an isolated case but part of a systematic effort to manipulate national media and control public discourse. The extensive financial and structural support provided by organizations like Internews is not about promoting democracy; it is about exerting political pressure and enforcing ideological conformity.
This form of foreign interference is nothing less than political corruption. The systematic funding of select media to serve foreign interests undermines sovereignty, distorts democratic debate, and manipulates public perception. It is not just a matter of press freedom—it is a battle to protect Hungary from covert political influence masquerading as support for journalism.
Recognizing the scale of this challenge, the Hungarian government is committed to combating foreign interference in media. Through legislative measures and transparency initiatives, efforts are underway to expose and dismantle these networks of political influence. As long as foreign-backed organizations dictate narratives, defending Hungary’s media sovereignty must remain a priority.