They claim it's about “democracy” but we all know better. It’s just foreign meddling in disguise

Dávid Korányi’s idea of “democracy” is foreign meddling. His group spent billions to influence Hungary’s elections, but Hungarians rejected their agenda.

These people just don’t get it. The victory of President Donald Trump and freezing of USAID funding – amidst the still unfolding revelations of the extent of their backing of partisan political and media ventures – marks a categorical rebuke of their ideological campaign. People have had enough. Their time is up.

But some of them just aren’t hearing the message.

Dávid Korányi, a close affiliate of liberal Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony and former Socialist prime minister Gordon Bajnai, writing in an opinion piece published in Time, would have us believe that foreign-funded political intervention is about “protecting democracy.” In reality, what he and his organization, Action for Democracy, promote is not democracy— but it’s ideological colonization. The same forces that push wokeism, mass migration, and endless wars are the ones trying to hijack national elections and impose their preferred political outcomes.

In his polemic article, Korányi laments the freezing of USAID funding under President Donald Trump, claiming it will weaken “democratic” movements around the world. But what he fails to mention is how these so-called democracy promotion efforts often serve as a cover for blatant political interference. And because they’re clearly taking sides – often against the will of the people – they ultimately undermine US influence. Hungary knows this firsthand: In 2022, Action for Democracy funneled nearly HUF 3 billion in illicit foreign funding into Hungary’s opposition campaign in a failed attempt to unseat the government. This was the biggest campaign financing scandal in Hungarian history.

This is precisely the kind of foreign political meddling that Hungary’s Sovereignty Protection Act was designed to counter. The Hungarian people have made their stance clear: 98% of respondents in a national consultation supported efforts to protect the country’s democracy from foreign influence. Korányi and his allies, however, dismiss this as an “authoritarian” move because it prevents them from influencing elections with outside money.

Let’s not forget that Korányi himself openly admitted in a leaked video that his organization supports opposition groups in countries where they seek to undermine conservative, national governments. But, as he said, “we will never say” that the goal is to fund the opposition. Busted.

Korányi frames his article as a plea for American support of democracy, but the reality is that he is advocating for one-sided, ideological interventionism. The globalist establishment does not accept that sovereign nations—especially ones that reject mass migration and leftist social policies—can decide their own political future. What they call “democratic backsliding” is simply the refusal of nations like Hungary to submit to their agenda.

Hungary stands firm: Real democracy means the people decide their future, not foreign-funded NGOs with hidden agendas.