What a brilliant idea! Take your campaign and your candidates to Brussels for a photo op with the far right!

And campaign as if the European Parliament and the rest of the Brussels machine are far more important than the Hungarian voter.

The opposition’s PM candidate, Péter Márki-Zay, took his campaign to Brussels last week. Seems he’s determined to win over the Brussels eurocrats. And judging from the photo ops, it looks like he had a good week.

This shot stood out in particular.


The Hungarian opposition’s candidate for prime minister, Márki-Zay, is posing here for a photo with one Márton Gyöngyösi, a member of the European Parliament elected from Hungary's far-right, anti-Semitic Jobbik party, the guy who once called for drawing up a list of Jews in the Hungarian parliament. I’ll get to that in a second.

Why is the opposition hopeful posing for cameras with a leader of what some have claimed is a Nazi party? Good question. I suppose it’s because they’re — wait for it — coalition partners.

Yes, that’s right. You’d be forgiven for not knowing that because the mainstream, liberal press is deliberately ignoring this fact. A reporter at Politico Europe refers to them as “small-town conservatives.” That’s cute.

Let’s take a look at these “small-town conservatives” in action. Here’s what Márton Gyöngyösi had to say when speaking as an MP in the Hungarian National Assembly, calling for drawing up a list of Jews. Yes, you read that right.

In the fall of 2012, in his remarks to parliament, Gyöngyösi said that it was “high time […] to take stock of how many people of Jewish origin living here, especially in the Hungarian parliament and the Hungarian government, pose a national security risk to Hungary.”

Despite the openly anti-Semitic nature of his words, Gyöngyösi quickly rose to become Jobbik’s group leader, only to leave for Brussels following the 2019 EP elections.

But Gyöngyösi, of course, was not the only member of Hungary’s far-right Jobbik party with extreme views. A former Jobbik MP, Gergely Kulcsár, who was ousted from Jobbik only last year, has referred to the Holocaust as the “the Hoaxocaust.” He gained notoriety in 2011 when he spat in the “Shoes on the Danube Bank,” a well-known Holocaust memorial in Budapest. He even sent a photo of it to his fellow party members with a caption. “This afternoon,” wrote Kulcsár, “I felt like I could use some recreation, so I visited this happy place by the banks of the Danube, which you can see in the photo. The photo was taken after spitting into the shoes.”


As we head toward elections in Hungary in the spring of 2022, we can expect the MSM — and much of the Brussels machine — to remain totally committed to Hungary’s opposition. But facts are stubborn things. And these are the folks they’re supporting.