104,000 families have benefitted from reduced energy bills

The government was committed to maintaining a cap on the price of household utility bills despite all the extraordinary challenges.

Szilárd Németh, the government commissioner in charge of the public utility cuts programme, said some 104,000 families have saved over a combined 10 billion forints (EUR 25.4m) on their gas bills since April when the government introduced “a more predictable” system of public utility invoicing.

Németh said in a statement that the government was committed to maintaining a cap on the price of household utility bills “despite all the extraordinary challenges”, adding that the retail price of electricity and gas was the lowest in Hungary of all European Union members. He added that nine families out of ten were ensured a preferential price for gas and eight could buy electricity below market prices. “The utility price subsidy scheme ensures Europe’s lowest prices for Hungarian families, so the government will protect the scheme against all attacks,” the commissioner said.