Center for Molecular Fingerprinting inaugurated in Szeged

The center aimed to develop cost-effective health monitoring solutions that could detect disease early, supporting positive outcomes.

The Center for Molecular Fingerprinting (CMF), a research base for applying laser technology to health monitoring, has been inaugurated in Szeged, in south-eastern Hungary.

CMF chief executive Ferenc Krausz, the Nobel Prize-winning physicist, said the center aimed to develop cost-effective health monitoring solutions that could detect disease early, supporting positive outcomes. CMF is collecting blood samples from 10,000 Hungarians, mostly volunteers, to support its work, he added. CMF is hosted by the ELI ALPS super laser center. The “CMF Summit 2024 – At the Forefront of Disease Profiling” coincided with the opening of the laboratory. Prof Dr Krausz, along with the Nobel laureates Katalin Karikó and Gerard Mourou, delivered lectures at the event.