China Cultural Center opens Hungarian photo exhibition

The exhibition features the photos of Hungarian photographers from the Shanghai and Suzhou regions.

The China Cultural Center opened an exhibition featuring the works of seven photographers called China through the eyes of Hungarian photographers. Director Jin Hao said the center, in Budapest’s 14th district, has opened to the public after years of careful planning.

According to MTI, the exhibition features the photos of Hungarian photographers from the Shanghai and Suzhou regions. János Csák, the outgoing minister of culture and innovation, said the center was “another sign of Hungarian-Chinese friendship and long-term mutual respect”. Hungarian-Chinese cooperation, he added, extends beyond culture to economy, trade and finance. The center will have an important role in helping Hungarians to get to know Chinese culture better, similar to the work of the Beijing Liszt Institute and Hungarian consulates in China, which are spreading knowledge of Hungarian culture, Csák said, adding that his successor, Balázs Hankó, would be similarly committed to supporting relations between the two countries. China’s Ambassador to Hungary, Gong Tao, said the center has always had “full support” from the Hungarian government since its inception in 2020. He said the two peoples had “great respect” for each other’s history and culture, and nurtured a strong friendship.