Coronavirus Update: Decree on restrictions on movement released

The decree on restrictions on movement announced by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Friday morning has been published in Magyar Közlöny [Hungarian Gazette].

The restrictions on movement decision made public with the prime minister’s signature is valid in the whole territory of Hungary for the period between March 28 and April 11. During this period, people will only be allowed to leave their homes for good reason. 

According to the decree, these reasons include going to work, performing occupational duties, pursuing economic, agricultural and forestry activities, and shopping in stores selling materials and equipment essential for the performance of these activities, primarily in stores selling technical appliances, construction materials and equipment. 

Permitted activities include the use of healthcare services such as – beyond curative treatments – healthcare services provided for the preservation of bodily and mental health such as psychotherapy, physiotherapy and other forms of physical therapy. 

People are also allowed to leave their homes for individual leisure-time and sporting activities as well as for walking (exercise). Such movements are permitted in residential and non-residential areas, wherever possible in green areas, for people on their own or for people sharing the same household, keeping a distance of a minimum one and a half meters from others. During daytime, people are also allowed to accompany minor children in small groups under supervision. 

Weddings and funerals in limited family circles are likewise permitted, as is shopping in food stores and stores selling personal hygiene products. Visiting pet food stores, stores selling animal feed, agricultural stores, markets, pharmacies, filling stations, tobacco shops, hairdressers and manicure parlours is also permitted. 

Between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. only people over the age of 65 will be permitted to shop in food stores, personal hygiene stores, markets and pharmacies. 

From Saturday, restaurants will have to close down; they will only be allowed to maintain operations for home deliveries. 

During the term of the restrictions, transport, cleaning and hygiene services, automobile and bicycle repair services and services related to waste management will continue to remain available. 

Administration requiring personal attendance is only permitted if essential, including the administration of affairs at authorities, and the use of banking, financial, insurance and postal services. 

Pet owners will be allowed to walk their pets in public spaces, and to visit veterinary surgeries and hospitals. 

The restrictions on movement cannot hinder parental rights and obligations or religious activities. 

Leaving one’s home for the purpose of helping people who are unable to provide for themselves or are in need of assistance (for instance, minors, the elderly and the sick) is also allowed. 

The decree lays down that everyone is required to minimize social interaction, and not including those sharing a single household, people should keep a minimum distance of one and a half meters from one another everywhere, including on public transport. 

Compliance with the restrictions concerning shops is the responsibility of the operators of the premises. 

The regulations now adopted will be enforced by the police. Violators can be fined between HUF 5,000 and HUF 500,000. 

A call center set up for advice on the coronavirus can be reached on +36-80-277-455 and +36-80-277-456 or by email koronavirus@bm.gov.hu