Coronavirus Update: Defense ministry sets up operative groups to ensure operation of essential services

Operative groups set up by the defense ministry have started working at 71 Hungarian companies to coordinate containment measures in connection with the novel coronavirus epidemic.

Operative groups set up by the defense ministry have started working at 71 Hungarian companies to coordinate containment measures in connection with the novel coronavirus epidemic.

According to MTI, the operative bodies started work at the Hungarian Stock Exchange, oil and gas company MOL, national rail company MÁV and at the country’s public broadcaster, among others. The aim is to ensure the seamless operation of essential production lines and services.

Defense Minister Tibor Benkő, who heads the government’s action group in charge of the security of the companies, also said that the military will patrol streets starting on Friday, when there will be “increased military presence” across the country, especially in towns and cities with military facilities.

The minister of agriculture said that Hungary’s food supply is safe and stable, with sufficient amount of food available. “There is absolutely no need to stock up on food,” István Nagy told public news channel M1.

Minister Nagy said Hungary’s agriculture can supply 25 million people, adding that several instances of overpricing of food had been caused by panic and was not justified by market developments. He promised action against overpricing, including on-site inspections.

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