Coronavirus Update: Life returns to the countryside as restrictions ease

Life outside Budapest slowly returned to “normal” over the weekend as the easing of coronavirus-related restrictions continues.


Life outside Budapest slowly returned to “normal” over the weekend as the easing of coronavirus-related restrictions drew many to tourist spots and restaurant terraces as much as physical distancing rules allowed.

According to MTI, families with small children took to the reopened playgrounds, parks, sports grounds and zoos in many of the major cities, while young people mainly gathered in downtown areas.

Most cities have reported satisfactory compliance with safety regulations on the public’s part, with most residents wearing face masks and keeping a distance of at least 1.5 meters from each other.

Some cities and towns, however, are remaining cautious with their lifting of restrictions. Kaposvár, in south-western Hungary, has chosen to wait another week before deciding on reopening playgrounds and Bátonyterenye is holding off on reopening its sports arena, swimming complex and arts center.

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