Coronavirus Update: People displaying mild symptoms must stay in home quarantine

We must prepare for the eventuality that, similar to other countries, Hungary, too, will proceed to the phase of mass coronavirus incidences.

The Hungarian government has said we can only slow this disease down if everyone observes the necessary precautionary measures.

People displaying mild symptoms must remain in stay-at-home quarantine. People with severe symptoms, those who fall into any of the high-risk groups and those who require hospital care will naturally be hospitalized.

It is important to be aware that the virus is not avoiding Hungary; this is a global pandemic. We can reduce the threat of infection by avoiding face-to-face interactions and meetings with people. Therefore, those who can stay at home. 

As expected, there will be many novel coronavirus patients currently in Hungary, but this does not mean that those who are infected will necessarily be hospitalized. 

In most cases, coronavirus infection has mild symptoms and does not require hospitalization. Infected people who are symptom-free or display mild symptoms must stay in-home quarantine. 

Typically people displaying severe symptoms (e.g. respiratory difficulties) and/or chronic patients over 60 may need hospital care. 

  • If you have a fever or a sore throat, call your general practitioner. Do not contact your general practitioner, a doctor’s surgery or hospital in person. Your general practitioner will ask you some relevant questions over the telephone. 

  • If you only have mild symptoms and do not fall into a high-risk group, you do not require hospitalization; you must stay in-home quarantine. It is important to remain in home quarantine in order not to infect others. 

  • Typically those patients require hospitalization who display severe symptoms (e.g. respiratory difficulties) and/or fall into high-risk groups (over sixty or chronic patients). They will be transported to the territorially designated hospital or a disease control hospital by the ambulance service. There they will receive appropriate care; samples will be taken for laboratory testing. Some patients in a serious condition may need intensive care or even mechanical ventilation. 

A call center set up for advice on the coronavirus can be reached on +36-80-277-455 and +36-80-277-456 or by email koronavirus@bm.gov.hu