Coronavirus Update: Two crossings re-open on Hungary-Austria border

Crossings re-open between Jánossomorja in Hungary and Andau in Austria, and between Alsószölnök in Hungary and Neumarkt in Austria.


The foreign minister has revealed that an agreement has been reached with Austrian authorities following extended talks to open two crossing for passenger traffic on the Hungary-Austria border.

Péter Szijjártó said the newly opened crossings are between Jánossomorja in Hungary and Andau in Austria, and between Alsószölnök in Hungary and Neumarkt in Austria.

In recent weeks, all European countries, including Hungary, restricted passenger traffic as a protective measure against the novel coronavirus. This has caused serious difficulties to those that hold jobs on the other side of the border, he said.

The crossing at Jánossomorja will be open every day between 5am and 9pm and at Alsószölnök between 7am and 7pm.

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