EU migration stance is endangering Hungarian order

The referendum will be the first time that European citizens will have the opportunity to express their opinions on to what extent Brussels migration policy is endangering the unity of Europe

The European Union's stance on migration is endangering Hungarian order, according to Péter Szijjártó, minister of Foreign Affiars and Trade.

“Brussels migration policy is endangering Hungarian order and the people of Hungary can stop this politics via the quota referendum," the minister said.

“This will be the first time that European citizens will have the opportunity to express their opinions on to what extent Brussels migration policy is endangering the unity of Europe and the countries of Europe themselves," Szijjártó added.

“There is order here; the people who live here and the capital invested here is safe," Szijjártó stressed, adding that this is a competitive advantage that “Brussels immigration policy is clearly endangering”, and this is one of the reasons why the referendum is so important.

“It is in Hungary's political and economic interests to be a member of the European Union. Nobody is disputing this," he declared, noting that the EU needs reforming.

Minister Szijjártó also said that European institutions have become increasingly distanced from the people of Europe and Brussels policies “have no relation whatsoever to the mood in Europe (…) or to the will of the people of Europe."