European citizens reject new migration pact

A recent study by Századvég's Europe Project reveals that six out of ten EU citizens disagree with the new migration pact, which allows for the relocation of illegal migrants within EU member states without their explicit consent.

Since the 2015 immigration wave, the European Union has repeatedly tried to impose mandatory legal frameworks on member states to participate in the distribution and acceptance of migrants. However, these plans have faced resistance from member states and have divided European public opinion. After nearly a decade, the EU has adopted a new migration pact that permits the relocation of illegal immigrants into member states.

Despite the Hungarian government's firm opposition to settling foreign populations on its territory, Brussels continues to exert pressure. The adoption of the migration pact has reignited these efforts. Due to the significant security implications of immigration into the EU, Századvég surveyed European citizens' opinions on this measure.

The survey results indicate that 60 percent of the EU population opposes the new migration pact that enables the relocation of illegal migrants without state-level consent. Only 27 percent of respondents support the measure.


Among the EU countries, Hungary shows the highest rejection rate, with 85 percent of its population opposing the settlement of illegal immigrants. Similarly, 79 percent of Czechs, 77 percent of Bulgarians, and 72 percent of both Croatians and Slovaks are against the mandatory distribution of migrants.

Sweden and Italy display the most significant division among their populations regarding the migration pact. Even in these countries, however, the proportion of opponents (42 percent and 47 percent, respectively) surpasses those in favor (33 percent and 35 percent).


The results of this survey highlight a significant disconnect between the EU's policy direction and the preferences of its citizens. As European leaders continue to push for mandatory migrant relocation, public opposition remains strong across the continent.