European Police Academy celebrates successful year with event in Budapest

The academy (CEPOL) is an EU agency aimed at training police officers and increasing the capabilities of law-enforcement bodies to fight international challenges such as drug trafficking or terrorism

The European Police Academy (CEPOL) has celebrated the organization’s achievements last year with an event in Budapest.

CEPOL is an EU agency aimed at training police officers and increasing the capabilities of law-enforcement bodies to fight international challenges such as drug trafficking or terrorism.

According to MTI, speakers at the event noted the “great demand” for a closer cooperation between national law-enforcement organizations of European countries to effectively meet challenges.

CEPOL managing director Ferenc Bánfi said that the academy had organized 174 training courses in 2016, with a special focus on efforts to combat terrorism and illegal migration. He added that CEPOL courses are open to border guards and customs officers too. CEPOL has developed efficient cooperation with countries outside Europe and works together with universities and research centres, he said.

Gábor Zupkó, head of the European Commission’s representation in Budapest, said there was an agreement between EU members that closer cooperation is needed in the areas of law enforcement, fighting terrorism, and promoting security.