Facebook statement by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán

9 July 2024, Washington, D.C.

I’m reporting from Washington, where we’re continuing our peace mission. I’ve just finished a meeting with Mr. Erdoğan, President of Türkiye. The most important topic was, of course, the war between Russia and Ukraine. As expected, this has entered a new phase of brutality. It’s as clear as day that if we want to end the suffering we need peace, peace initiatives. During the war Türkiye has already proved that it’s an indispensable player in the peace process. President Erdoğan is the only statesman who was successful in bringing about a Russo–Ukrainian agreement on the Black Sea grain shipments. I’ve asked the President to support us in our peace mission. The warring parties’ positions remain far apart, but if the friends of peace unite, by joining forces we can take the next step towards peace.