Fidesz deputy leader Katalin Novák has revealed that the party has launched an English-language website,, with a view to providing credible information about its decision-making.
Novák told MTI that the website seeks to act as a corrective to “the mass production of fake news”. Fidesz, she added, is one of Europe’s and the European People’s Party’s most successful parties.
Since 2010, Novák said Fidesz has worked to strengthen the Hungarian people and families to increase the success of the country from year to year. The party’s work attracts great interest internationally but its decision-making comes under dispute due to the media spreading “one-sided, fake news” about Fidesz-related matters. To counteract this, Fidesz is sending out a monthly newsletter covering current Hungarian political affairs and news about Fidesz.
Novák said the website also provides regular news concerning events and affairs that arouse great international interest. Governments around the world, she added, are battling the novel coronavirus epidemic, and “now is not the time” for party political fights.