Balázs Hidvéghi, an MEP of ruling Fidesz, said Brussels’s revenge politics is making a mockery of Hungary and the entire institutional system of the European Union.
In a video on Facebook on Tuesday, Hidvéghi reacted to comments by Italian Social Democrat MEP Elisabetta Gualmini, who he said recently had called on the European Parliament to continue to pressure the European Commission not to give any funding to Hungary. “They’re no longer even trying to hide their political blackmail,” Hidvéghi said. He said it was “completely clear that facts and the law no longer mean anything” to left-wing MEPs. “This is blatant, cynical political blackmail,” he said, adding that its only aim was to “punish” Hungary for its political stances on the war, migration and child protection, and prevent the Hungarian people from gaining access to EU funds they were entitled to. Hidvéghi also cited Gualmini as saying that though they had withdrawn the debate on the state of the rule of law in Hungary from the agenda, they would return to it later this month. He said this was a stalling tactic on the part of left-wing MEPs to keep applying pressure on Hungary. “This is outrageous and unacceptable,” he said. “There’s no place for such political blackmail in European politics, which is why change is needed in Brussels, and that change can be brought about in next year’s EP elections.”