FM calls for a strong EU and a European community whose strength is founded on strong member states

Péter Szijjártó said Europe had achieved its great success thanks to Christian values. “The more we grow apart from these values, the less chance we have to restore a competitive and strong Europe,” he said

Hungary’s foreign minister has called for “a strong European Union and a European community whose strength is founded on strong member states.”

Speaking at an economic forum in Krynica-Zdroj, in southern Poland, on Wednesday, Péter Szijjártó said Europe had achieved its great success thanks to Christian values. “The more we grow apart from these values, the less chance we have to restore a competitive and strong Europe,” he said. “In central Europe we cannot understand why western Europe wants to get rid of its Christian heritage,” he added.

The minister said Hungarians and Poles find it baffling that decisions are being made in other countries to remove Christian symbols from public areas and public buildings.

“It is not our task to protect Christianity as a religion in Europe, but we must protect Christians in Europe and in other places,” he said.

Among the challenges the EU is facing he highlighted migration, energy policy, terrorism and Brexit, he added.