Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said the policy for Hungarian communities beyond the borders is “the soul” of Hungarian foreign policy.
Speaking at an annual parliamentary hearing, the minister said the government sought to build cooperation with neighboring countries with a view to improving the situation of ethnic Hungarian communities in those countries. Joint investments carried out in cooperation with neighboring countries “based on mutual respect” would help to improve the diplomatic atmosphere, thereby helping the Hungarian community, Minister Szijjártó said before parliament’s national cohesion committee. Hungary, he added, had further improved relations with six of its seven neighbors and achieved “common success stories”. “Ukraine is the only exception.”
Regarding cooperation with Romania, the foreign minister noted the agreement signed on reopening and operating two motorways linking the two countries. A third motorway will be built by 2024, Minister Szijjártó said, adding that on the Hungarian side, a rail infrastructure project would be completed in the same year, ensuring an up-to-date link between Budapest, Bucharest and Constanta at the Black Sea.
Photo credit: MTI