FM: Voters can choose peace in June 9 EP elections

The foreign minister said both Hungary and Jordan face grave security challenges in their respective regions.

Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said voters will have a chance in the June 9 EP elections to tell the European politicians "talking crazy" that they have had enough, and to choose peace.
Minister Szijjártó told a joint press conference with Jordanian counterpart Ayman Safadi in Amman that both Hungary and Jordan face grave security challenges in their respective regions, while neither was to blame for the regional tensions surrounding them. “Neither of us is in any way responsible for the emergence of these conflicts, yet we are still among those paying the price for them,” Minister Szijjártó said, according to a ministry statement. “Hungarians are rightfully fed up with this,” he said. “The Hungarian people want peace, and the entire country, the entire nation is baffled by the dangerous and crazy things certain European politicians say… Certain European politicians want to send troops to Ukraine, while others are fantasising about the deployment of nuclear weapons.” “Either one of those will result in a world war, and those of us in the direct vicinity of the conflicts will be the ones paying the price of that, too,” he said. The foreign minister expressed Hungary’s appreciation for Jordan’s role in preserving the region’s stability and in the fight against terrorism and extremism.