FM: We have preserved 'Polish-Hungarian brotherhood’ for a long time, but we’ve had enough

“We have tolerated the provocations and hypocrisy of the incumbent Polish government for a long time for the sake of preserving ‘Polish-Hungarian brotherhood’, but we’ve had enough,” said Minister Szijjártó.

According to the foreign minister, Poland’s foreign ministry state secretary has issued a “sharp response” to the prime minister’s speech at the Bálványos Summer University.

Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, said on Sunday that the Polish official’s reaction proved the adage that “the truth hurts”. “We have tolerated the provocations and hypocrisy of the incumbent Polish government for a long time for the sake of preserving ‘Polish-Hungarian brotherhood’, but we’ve had enough,” Minister Szijjártó said on Facebook. “While the current Polish government criticizes and accuses us of importing oil from Russia that is critical to keep the country running if we take a good look at one of the biggest Russian oil companies’ lists of buyers, we’ll find the Poles on it,” Minister Szijjártó said. “And there wouldn’t even be any problem with that because ultimately energy supply has a physical basis, but if this is how it has turned out, then they shouldn’t be hypocritical and accuse others.”