Gulyás: Election results provide strong mandate for government's peace advocacy

At today’s Government Info session, Minister Gergely Gulyás and government spokesperson Eszter Vitályos discussed the recent election results, the European Court of Justice’s ruling against Hungary, and various development projects across the country.

Minister Gergely Gulyás began by expressing gratitude to voters for their participation in the recent elections. He emphasized that the results have reinforced the government’s mandate, with the ruling parties receiving more votes than the second, third, and fourth-place parties combined. This solid support, Gulyás noted, provides a firm foundation for the government to advocate for peace on the global stage. Without such backing, Hungary would not have been able to remain uninvolved in NATO's Ukrainian mission.

On this, the minister reiterated Prime Minister Viktor Orbán’s statement that Hungary will not participate in the NATO mission in Ukraine with money, weapons, or troops. However, he also assured that Hungary will continue to provide asylum to refugees, ensuring that no one is sent back to Ukraine for conscription.

Next, Minister Gulyás addressed the European Court of Justice’s recent ruling, which imposed a significant fine on Hungary for not accepting migrants based on the migration pact’s quota system. The court ruled that Hungary must pay a penalty of €1 million per day until compliance is achieved, totaling €200 million (approximately HUF 80 billion).

The minister condemned the ruling as outrageous, arguing that it penalizes countries that protect Europe’s external borders, stating: "A normal court could have never made this judgment." He also highlighted that it contradicts both European law and the Hungarian constitution.

In the next segment, government spokesperson Eszter Vitályos highlighted several recent development projects, totaling HUF 310 billion across 84 initiatives. Key projects include:

  • Healthcare: HUF 8.8 billion invested in healthcare improvements, including the new emergency care unit at the Clinical Center of Pediatrics at the University of Pécs, the New Buda Pediatric Health Center (total cost of HUF 4 billion), and a new health center in Etyek (HUF 407 million)
  • Infrastructure: Major road infrastructure projects, such as the western bypass in Páty and the new Danube bridge connecting Paks and Kalocsa, named the Tomori Pál Bridge
  • Culture and public works: Nearly HUF 14 billion invested in cultural and public works, including the renovation of the Tisza Castle in Geszt, the tourist development of the castle district in Szolnok, and the construction of the National Unity Bridge in Sátoraljaújhely
  • Family-friendly projects: In Mátraverebély-Szentkút, a pilgrimage site was expanded, attracting 300,000 visitors annually. The expansion included the Calvary Chapel and two new playgrounds, with a total investment of HUF 3.4 billion
  • Education: HUF 20 billion was allocated for educational developments, including 1.5 billion for a new data analysis methodology center at the University of Miskolc
  • Sports: Investments in sports facilities, including a new sports hall in Mezőhegyes, a sports center in Karcag, and a water slide park in Harkány
  • Business development: Significant investments in business development, such as the HUF 115 billion expansion of TDK’s sensor manufacturing capacity in Szombathely and a capacity expansion project by Hell Energy in Szikszó

The spokesperson also mentioned that the final call for applications for the home renovation program will be published on the government website on Monday, with registration for contractors starting July 1. This program aims to support residents in renovating their homes by providing financial aid and resources.