Hungarian astronaut Tibor Kapu and his reservist preparing for voyage to ISS

The astronauts are now studying the technical equipment of the spaceship and the ISS, and the spacesuits are also being tailored specifically for them.

Orsolya Ferencz, the government commissioner for space research, has announced that Hungarian astronaut Tibor Kapu and his reservist, Gyula Cserényi, are now in Houston, Texas, alongside a US commander and an Indian astronaut, preparing for their voyage to the International Space Station. Kapu’s replacement is also Hungarian, “a rare occurrence”, Ferencz told public news channel M1 on Monday. The astronauts are now studying the technical equipment of the spaceship and the ISS, and the spacesuits are also being tailored specifically for them, she added. “One of the most valuable features” of the project is that during the preparatory phase, Hungarian companies, universities and research institutions have the opportunity to develop experiments in areas such as physiology and radiation biology, she said.