Hungarian designers come up with unique drinks foam pen

The CinniBird pen allows romantic partners or parents to draw something adorable on the foam of a latte or pint of beer.

A Hungarian designer duo has come up with a uniquely creative pen allowing you to draw on the foam of various beverages.

CinniBird is a pen that allows romantic partners or parents to draw something adorable on the foam of a latte or pint of beer.

Product designers Réka Oltvai Horváth and Balázs Oltvai met during their university studies. It took them a while to discover how easily they worked together. As Réka explains in a previous interview, it was only when she had to finish a presentation before going on a date, that she realized how useful partner Balázs could be.

Their cute story became a vital element of their USP, and for the past year, they’ve taken to releasing items revisiting their fondest kitchen-related memories. Since then, the duo established themselves as one of the leading kitchen utensil designers on the national market, called Oliarts.

As the duo explained in a previous interview, they grew tired of only being able to surprise each other with beverages neatly decorated with smiley faces, cats or twirls. Thus, their newest product CinniBird invites users to tap into their inner creativity, creating patterns as varied as they like.

Photo credit: szmo.hu